Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ayutthaya, Thailand (Mid January 2007)

Ayutthaya is the Place We Saw the Yellow Dog
(Eric's Favorite Ayutthaya Picture)

In Ayutthaya, we met up with Herve, a friend of a friend who was doing our tour in reverse: Vietnam > Cambodia > Laos > Thailand.

Herve and Friend

We spent a few days exploring the ruins. One day, we went to the elephant stalls, fed elephants, and watch the mahuts bathe their charges.

This little guy kept rolling the cane stalk around on the ground, trying to roll it up in his trunk like the grownups. He finally succeeded.

Ruins and Statues in Ayutthaya

Restaurant Owner's Son ~ I showed him his picture in the viewfinder and he smiled big, looked meaningfully into my eyes, and bowed deeply.

And if that's not enough Ayutthaya for you, you can see more pics from our visit two years ago, at

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I love the yellow dog photo - that photo is fantastic!

I'm really enjoying your blog, Rene - keep up the good reporting. hugs to both of you!