Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Anniversary and Drinkies 7.5 (May)

May 7 was the six-month anniversary of our travels. We can hardly believe it. India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, and Bali, and that's only the first half of this amazing year. Even more, we get to meet up and travel with friends old and new. We aren't sure what we did to deserve this, but we know we are truly blessed and are grateful.

With Holly K, Rob and Holly T, and our new friend Jacob along, how could we not call Drinkies 7.5?!

Drinkies 7.5 ~ Tropis Club, Kalibukbuk, Bali

Clockwise starting lower left: Holly T and Rob, Jacob, me, Holly K, and Eric

Todd says he thinks we are lying about the names of places we've been. He thinks we're actually calling from a pay phone across the street from our house in Mt. View: "Hi, how's it going, we're in er, um, Kalibukbuk . . . ."


Marlene S. said...

Happy anniversary and cheers for a fantastic adventure. Sorry about your cat and the sickness of your friend. Will hope for the best.

Jenn said...

I'm really glad you and Holly K found each other - I wish I was there. I bet you're all having a wonderful time!